
by Revised by Sri Ramatherin

  • Paperback: 296 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: The Rosicrucian Collection (2011)

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Out of the mysteries of the past comes this antique book that was written two thousand years ago, but was hidden in manuscript form from the eyes of the world and given only to the Initiates of the temples in Tibet to study privately. It can be compared only with the writings attributed to Solomon in the Bible of today. It deals with human passions, weaknesses, fortitudes, and hopes. Included is the story of the expedition into Tibet that secured the manuscript and the Grand Lama’s permission to translate it.


Drawing on a manuscript discovered in the 18th century in Tibet, this book is a veritable collection of thoughts about man, observing him in all his relationships, highlighting the many aspects of his nature. A work rich in symbolism and imbued with knowledge of the highest mystical laws, it is a source of meditation for everyone.
-Part 1 – Original manuscript edited in 1925 by Sri Ramatherio, retaining the style and language of the original 18th Century translation.
-Part 2- -In Modern English


The strange story of this book – Preliminary Instructions – The obligations that relate to Man, considered as an individual – The passions – Woman – Consanguinity; or natural relations – Providence; or the accidental differences of Men – The social duties – Religion – Man considered in the General – Man considered in regard to his infirmities and their effects – Of the affections of Man, which are hurtful to himself and others – Of the advantages Man may acquire over his fellow creatures – Manifestations of Karma