
Paperback : 40,8 x 29 – 64 pages

15 in stock


Secret symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th centuries

This book is a reproduction of the original German edition published in two parts in 1785 and 1788 respectively in Altona, Denmark.The colours used are the same as in one of the original publications though shades may differ slightly in a few places.

It is believed that the translation of The Secret Symbols here offered for the first time and the fine reproductions of the entire set of plates will find a ready welcome among students of the Secret Tradition, and will make available to the English reader, the second most important contribution to Rosicrucian literature. It is a work of outstanding importance in the literature of Occultism and merits close and careful study on the part of Occult students of all orders.

Specially published for the A.M.OR.C. Centennial Commemorative Issue-1915- 2015

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