
by John Kotsias

  • Paperback: 169 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Paradigm Publications (1996)

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Clear, step-by-step, carefully illustrated instructions present the basic body movement skills that are at the root of all Qi Gong and T’Ai Chi forms. Weight distribution, concentration, and visualization are extensively considered, providing an extraordinary level of detail. The forms depicted include: Holding the Ball, Bending from the Waist, Riding a T’Ai Chi Horse, the Springy Step, Carry Tiger Back to Mountain, the Rooting Exercise, and the Ascending Dragon. The author includes evocative stories of his encounters with T’Ai Chi masters and a synopsis of the nine secret messages.

Kotsias’ style is deft and concise, his message sincere and gut-level. As a preparation for study with a teacher, a guide to practice, or simply as a system of exercise to practice by oneself, this text admirably serves the student’s needs.


This is a beginners’ book, and in T’Ai Chi we are all beginners. The theory and exercises in this book can be done by beginners and advanced, young and old, strong and weak.

This book is for everyone who wants to learn T’Ai Chi. The most important part is that you do the exercises, do them with principle, and do at least a little everyday.

I wish to thank my teachers, my students, family, and friends who patiently encouraged this work.