
Author : Ivan Antic


  • Paperback : 191 Pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Independently published

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Are you searching for enlightenment?
Do you seek knowledge of the chakra system?
Enjoy discovering essential answers about yourself and existence.

The more alert people are, the more they are in harmony, full of understanding and love; the more unconscious they are, the more they are conditioned by natural causality, and undergo conflict with nature, the world, and the people around them.

The true goal of all of spirituality and all methods of meditation is enlightenment, and the true essence of enlightenment is knowledge of the unity of consciousness and existence.

Consciousness is basically all of existence. Consciousness and existence are one and the same, but express themselves in different ways: existence as all of manifested matter and energy, and consciousness as our unexpressed inner being. Consciousness refers to all the higher and finer dimensions that manifest themselves as the gross reality of the physical world.