
Author Stuart J. Malkin, D.D., Ph. D.

  • Paperback: 84 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Infinity Publishing (July 2004)

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What Every Person Can Do!

Looking For a Better World” suggests the religious differences are the reasons for global unrest. Economic competition and the territorial imperative are dismissed as causal culprits, being dwarfed by the power of religious extremists. There is an overview of historical religious conflict. The work reveals many ways in which individuals can achieve contentment and peace on a more local level. “Cameras angles” are provided, focusing on considerations such as ethics, leadership and trust. Meditation and Prayer are offered as individual comfort zones and there is an absorbing chapter on “Spiritual Alchemy”.

About the Author

Dr. Malkin is an Ordained Interfaith Minister, holding a B.Sc. in Business an an M.A. and Ph.D. in Religion. He has written and conducted hundreds of seminars on the subjects discussed in “Looking For a Better World“. One of his most highly regarded presentations is “The Magic of People,” in which he motivates attendees to improve their interpersonal relationships. His Ministry is with teenagers and he has made hundreds of visits to school with a moving and effective motivational presentation, urging teens to do their personal best. His quest for many years has been to teach the power of Right Action,working towards the goal of a better world.