
Author : Rose N. Schnyer & Bob Flaws

  • Paperback : 182 Pages
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Blue Poppy Press; 1 edition

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A Blue Poppy Press Curing Series Book

Depression touches every aspect of the human experience – our physical well-being, our relationships with our loved ones, our work, our creativity, our spirituality. Depression can paralyze and alienate us, making us strangers to ourselves and the world.

Chinese Medicine has many effective therapies for combating this endemic disease. Through the use of these ancient practices, hopelessness may be transformed into possibility, helplessness into courage, and anxiety into calmness. The wide range of self-help and preventive strategies included here are designed to empower sufferers of depression to return to health naturally, without side effects. If you or anyone you know suffers from symptoms of depression, you want the information in this book.