
Author Karin Kalbantner-Wernicke and Tina Haase

  • Paperback: 150 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Singing Dragon (2012)

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Babies feel intuitively what scientists have needed painstaking research to establish: being touched and caressed is good for you. It makes you clever and cheerful, strengthens the parent-child bond, and lays the foundation for a healthy life.

With baby shiatsu you can support your child’s development. The gentle pressure-point massage meets the needs of tiny babies. This book shows you the various shiatsu techniques step by step. The first year of life is divided into four sections:

  • One to three months
  • Four to six months
  • Seven to nine months
  • Ten to twelve month

There are also specific techniques to help with health problems, which can, for example, soothe tummy ache and counteract difficulty in sleeping. And there’s more:

  • Creating a state of calm
  • Easing wind
  • Calming the stomach
  • Breathing freely
  • For a good sleep
  • Strengthening the immune system

About the Author

Karin Kalbanter-Wernicke initially trained as a physiotherapist and went on to study shiatsu in Japan for several years. In 1985, together with her husband Dr. Thomas Wernicke, she founded an institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine just outside Frankfurt, Germany. She has written several books in her native German including “The Five Elements in Children”.

Tina Haase is a journalist, specializing in health and family issues. She lives and works in Munich, Germany.