Effectiveimplementation on thesternum andbetween the shoulder blades(one totwodrops).Byinhalation of2 to 3 drops, it frees theairways andtones. Its actionon respiratory functionreminiscent ofTea Tree**. Applieda dropin the navelorin foodalso strengthensdigestion.
Local application: 1 to 2 dropsina cream oroil carrier.
Forthe atmosphere:a few drops ina bowl ormist sprayer.
10 ml
Antiseptic,relaxing, sweatTonic
Effectiveimplementation on thesternum andbetween the shoulder blades(one totwodrops).Byinhalation of2 to 3 drops, it frees theairways andtones. Its actionon respiratory functionreminiscent ofTea Tree**. Applieda dropin the navelorin foodalso strengthensdigestion.
Local application: 1 to 2 dropsina cream oroil carrier.
Forthe atmosphere:a few drops ina bowl ormist sprayer.
Relieving,anessential oil thatcan beusedforpains,alsoin an oilymediumcircularmassageon the abdomenorfoot massage. 3-4drops in atablespoon toapplyembrocationafter sport. Use6 pure drops on cramps.
Relieving,anessential oil thatcan beusedforpains,alsoin an oilymediumcircularmassageon the abdomenorfoot massage. 3-4drops in atablespoon toapplyembrocationafter sport. Use6 pure drops on cramps.
This oilhas a relaxingeffect.It is usefulduring periods ofstress.It soothesthe emotions andregulates mood. It is usefulin cases of excessivesweating. It also stimulatesthe digestive functions: we canadd a dropin an infusionaftera meal . mosquitorepellent.
Local application: 1 to 2 dropsina cream oroil carrier. For the atmosphere: a few drops ina bowl or atomizer
10 ml
This oilhas a relaxingeffect.It is usefulduring periods ofstress.It soothesthe emotions andregulates mood. It is usefulin cases of excessivesweating. It also stimulatesthe digestive functions: we canadd a dropin an infusionaftera meal . mosquitorepellent.
Local application: 1 to 2 dropsina cream oroil carrier. For the atmosphere: a few drops ina bowl or atomizer
Thisis a very powerfulessential oil anditshould never be usedpure. It canbedilutedinan oily carrierfor example0.5%. However, it ispossible toputina dropin ateaspoon ofhoneyandan infusionbowl.In this formit is recognizedantioxidant, disinfectant, and helps toregulate bowel movements. It calmsfermentations.
Thisis a very powerfulessential oil anditshould never be usedpure. It canbedilutedinan oily carrierfor example0.5%. However, it ispossible toputina dropin ateaspoon ofhoneyandan infusionbowl.In this formit is recognizedantioxidant, disinfectant, and helps toregulate bowel movements. It calmsfermentations.
Applications Beauty treatments:Regenerating mask for all skin types : 2 dps of Lemon EO mixed with green, pink or white clay powder and water until a medium thick paste is obtained. Apply to the face for 7 to 10 minutes. Remove with tepid water.
Oil for broken and split nails:Mix 10 dps of Lemon EO with a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil. Massage into hands once or twice a week. It is also possible to mix with Doctor Valnet’s massage oil, 10ml for 20 dps of EO.
Food:For flavouring, add 1 to 2 dps to creams, patisseries and flans. 2 dps per litre of ice cream and sorbets. Do not apply to the skin before exposure to the sun.
Beauty treatments:Regenerating mask for all skin types : 2 dps of Lemon EO mixed with green, pink or white clay powder and water until a medium thick paste is obtained. Apply to the face for 7 to 10 minutes. Remove with tepid water.
Oil for broken and split nails:Mix 10 dps of Lemon EO with a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil. Massage into hands once or twice a week. It is also possible to mix with Doctor Valnet’s massage oil, 10ml for 20 dps of EO.
Food:For flavouring, add 1 to 2 dps to creams, patisseries and flans. 2 dps per litre of ice cream and sorbets. Do not apply to the skin before exposure to the sun.