
Author : Jacob Liberman


  • Paperback : 261 Pages
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Three rivers press

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This book is much more than a guidebook for improving your vision. It offers a deeply transformational approach to an expanded experience of sight that establishes the larger context of vision in which eyesight occurs. It will be your guide for a remarkable journey into clearing your inner and outer vision, and consequently will be of value to every individual whose awareness of self is expanding beyond identification of physical capabilities, and not just to those who wear glasses. Reading this book can open you to so much more than just a pathway to improved visual acuity. It can help you find the doorway to an openness of being, an awareness of the natural rhythms of your energy field. As you help your eyes become more whole, you help your mind become more whole, and vice versa. And to an openness of thought: When we think without feeling, when we think with effort, we perceive and process so little of our total experience, because we lose sight of the whole. Whole intelligence is a very different experience from linear thought–in the first place, it can feel. It has the capacity to understand life directly, or to perceive intuition, or to perceive the wholeness of life Effortless learning is a movement process that is a powerful healing tool not only for improving vision but also for limited awarensss, narrow thingking, and learning difficulties of all kinds. It is based on the principle that when we learn through movement, we learn holographically rather than through the linear mind. Self awareness is the key to self transformation. Effortless Learning is enjoyable, revealing, and dramatically enhances mind/body integration.