
Author : Ivan Antic


  • Paperback : 261 Pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Independently published

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If the fundamental cosmic constants were any different, there would not be any conscious life, at all.

The entire cosmos exists exactly the way it is so that conscious living beings, us, could exist.

If we became fully aware of the fundamental constants the whole universe rests on, we would realize that cosmos could not exist if it were not exactly the way it is right now, in everything, in every, even the tiniest detail.

If you were not reading these lines, and if you were not where you are now, in such an environment and life situation that you are, if every thing you see were not there where it is – this entire cosmos could not exist. Such is the nature of the perfection of existence. Existence cannot be any different than it already is at any given moment.

The reason we do not see the perfection of reality is due to the fact that we do not see the entire reality, we do not see that existence extends across multiple dimensions. We do not see all the dimensions of nature, but only its roughest, physical appearance, we are able to perceive with our senses.